Soho Square, London - Timewarp

And so over to Soho Square, home of New Media, the Football Association and a strange garden shed. 1927 and 2007.
From this angle, looking eastward, alterations to the square appear minimal. Only the buildings to the extreme left and right have changed. The two plane trees in the foreground have grown, but retain their mutually repulsed angles. The clearest mark of 'progress', aside from the vehicles, is the presence of Centrepoint, almost obscured by trees.
Soho Square was built in the 1680s on land owned by the Earl of St Albans. Most of the surrounding buildings have changed several times, but the gardens are little altered since Victorian times. The famous tool shed at the centre appeared in the 1870s, replacing a statue of Charles II.
Images taken from the Wonderful London Flickr group.