One step closer...
At last we know what Jack the Ripper looked like. Probably.Laura Richards, head of analysis for Scotland Yard's Violent Crime Command, analysed evidence from the case using modern police techniques to form what is claimed to be the most accurate portrait of the Ripper ever put together. She says that the 118-year-old evidence shows he was aged between 25 and 35, stood between 5ft 5ins and 5ft 7ins tall and was of a stocky build.
A break at last. This should be a relief for any prostitutes still working in the 19th century as police finally draw closer to apprehending the fiend. Experts believe that we can expect a resolution to the case sometime soon because now that the police know he had a moustache it will make it easier to spot the 148 year old man in a crowd.
Once this is cleared up police will move onto other pressing cases such as the menace of Spring Heeled Jack. Don’t expect them to get round to your burglary until 2118 though.